Friday, October 1, 2010

So far, so good....

Today I had my OB appointment. I passed my glucose test "with flying colors," so I don't have to go do the three hour test. Blah...I hate those things. The actual drink itself isn't awful, I just hate having to make the time to go down to the lab, wait to be called, and then wait another hour for them to take my blood. It's just a big hassle. Oh, and I'm not anemic. So far this pregnancy is "normal." Yay! 3rd try's the charm, right? Well, I guess I shouldn't say anything since I might jinx it. I still have just under 3 months left to make things "abnormal," and then ya never know what can happen once I actually go to deliver. There will probably be a giant earthquake in the middle of my c-section or something. Ok, so maybe I'm being a tad dramatic.

I asked about siblings visiting in the hospital. She said that if it's right in the middle of flu season, then the hospital I'm delivering at doesn't allow any kids in under 12. If it's not in the middle of flu season, then your own kids are allowed to visit. What are the chances that Dec. 22nd won't be in the middle of flu season? Not great, right? So, Noah might not get to be able to visit me in the hospital. 2 days without seeing my favorite oldest child. *tear* I think I'm more worried about me, than him. He's been doing really well lately with me being gone. I've just never been separated from him for that long. Daddy's been gone for several days at a time, but not Momma. So, I guess if nothing else, Noah will just have to hang out with Daddy and Grandma for a couple days. All that to say, at the end of my appointment I was kinda sad.

Oh, and I gained 6 pounds in a month. I guess I'm making up for lost time. Sheesh!

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