Saturday, September 18, 2010

Offer Accepted!

Our offer on the house was accepted yesterday. Guess they really did want to get rid of it ASAP. Another offer came in at the same time as ours, but ours was a little better, so we got it. Yay hoo! Hopefully everything will work out so that we can be done with the whole house-hunting thing. I think it's the best house so far that we've looked at as far as having what we wanted- a decent sized yard, not a really tiny or narrow kitchen, at least 3 bedrooms, and room for the dining table, and plenty of room for a piano/keyboard. It has a few little "extra" things that are gonna have to go. Like, an awful railing that goes along part of the entrance to the den. It looks like someone pulled it off their front steps and stuck it there. There's also an automatic hand drier in one of the bathrooms. WHY?! Why would someone want one of those things in their house?! So, thats gonna have to go too. We'll stick a medicine cabinet or something there instead. It's also got a giant brick fireplace with the awful red bricks. That's going to get a make-over ASAP. The kitchen cabinets are also going to get a make-over, hopefully sooner than later. I'm sure we'll have lots of "before" and "after" pictures coming up relatively soon.

If anyone has any tips on antiquing kitchen cabinets, let me know! As of now, that's what I plan on doing with the cabinets in the house. Unless I show Josh a picture and he hates it.

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