Friday, November 20, 2009

Two for the price of one

Today there's 2 mini rants. Lucky you.

I went to Toys R Us with Noah to spend the rest of his birthday money. I wanted to get him some big ol' honkin' blocks and a push toy to help him with his walking. Classic kids toys, right? So, I went looking for the block section. You would THINK that they would put all of the similar toys together, right?! NO! Of course not! That would be too much like all the rest of the stores do it. We couldn't have that. That would make it much too easy for parents lugging around their kids around with them. No, they have everything sorted out by BRAND. So, if you don't know what brand the toy is that you're looking for, you're completely screwed. I went up and down the aisles looking for the blocks I wanted. First I tried the educational toys. I didn't find them there, but I DID find some with the arts and crafts. Makes perfect sense. Too bad those weren't the blocks I wanted. So we went up and down some more aisles. After about 15 minutes of this, I tried the Lego aisle in the "big kids" section, and behold, there they were! Of course! Why wouldn't I have thought to look with all the Lego sets first!? After all, blocks for a toddler should be with all the Lego's for 10+ or whatever the ages on those things are.

After we finally found the blocks, we went in search of the walker. I remembered from my previous trip to Toys R Us that all the big outside toys were in the back corner of the store, so that's where we headed. Yep, I found them. Too bad they were the $60 walkers instead of the $20 walker that I wanted. I had previously checked the website to make sure that this particular location had the one I wanted in stock, and now I couldn't find it. Oh, but wait, this is Toys R Us we're talking about. They wouldn't have all the walkers in one place. That would be too logical. No. Some of the walkers, the expensive ones, are in the back, all together, no matter what brand they are. The cheap walkers are sorted out by BRAND over with all the other baby toys. What is WRONG with them!? Why can't they stick to one lousy system? Either have everything sorted out by brand, or by toys. You can't have both. Or at least, you SHOULDN'T have both. So, after 40 minutes of wandering around Toys R Us, we got what we came for- blocks, and a walker. I'm not bitter at all.

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