Since it's been about 50 billion years since I've written my last post, I thought I'd update all five of you on the goings on in the Brahm family.
Noah's playing by himself at the moment and we're listing to Sandra Boynton's "Philadelphia Chickens" CD. It really has a lot of cute songs on it, for those other mommies out there. I even danced to one of them...although that doesn't say a whole lot since I want to dance to just about everything. I'm gonna embarrass my kids so much when they're older. I can't wait :)
Christmas seemed short this year. I decorated the apartment the day after Thanksgiving, and it still seemed like everything came down too soon. Probably has to do with us being in the good ol' ATL for two weeks. We spent Christmas with our families and Noah even got to meet his other set of great-grandparents. He wasn't really his normal happy self though since he takes after Momma and takes awhile to warm up to people. Sorry Grammy, that he wasn't quite like he is in his pictures. I promise he's usually more fun than that. :)
While it Atlanta, we got to spend a day with some friends visiting from Alaska....whom I'd never met. We had a lot of fun with them even though Josh and I seemed to be in rare form that night. I was unusually quiet and anti social, and Josh was unusually loud. Quite a combo. At least we evened each other out. We were more our normal selves the next day though, so hopefully we redeemed ourselves. ;) *waves* Hi, Jessica!
Josh and Noah got sick somewhere around Christmas. They got what everyone else seemed to have, so I was the only healthy one there for awhile. It took them 4 or 5 days to start feeling better, but they were sick on the days we were planning on spending with our friends in Gwinnett, so we felt really bad that they got neglected.
Christmas was even more fun for me this year than last year since Noah was able to participate now more than he could last year when he was only 2 months old. He had his Christmas PJ's and everything.
Noah got to stay with his Bella and Grandpa (Josh's parents) for a couple days while we went up to the mountains to a little bed and breakfast for a little get away. We had a good time, and Noah had fun with his grandparents and aunt and uncles. Here's pictures to prove it.
Noah and Bella at the Chick-fil-a
playplace after a meal of chicken
nuggets, and chocolate milk.
Only a baby can make a grown man want
to get into a playplace. It's worth it though, right Grandpa?
Our room at the bed and breakfast....with all our stuff on the bed.
Trying to feed the fishies in the pond outside.
The good picture....
Me: We should look like fishies now.
Josh: Huh?
Me: Like this!
Josh: (blank stare. Slowly raises eyebrows)
Hannah: Oh, come on, you can do it!
Josh: Oh, ok.
For some reason he also felt the need to cross his eyes.
Makes it all the more interesting. Hehe.
We were the only ones brave enough to go hiking in the 30-something degree weather.
We found it!
Me getting as close to the water as possible.
A few days after Christmas, we used Josh's Christmas present from Noah and me and we went to go see Jeff Dunham at the Philips Arena. We were close enough we didn't even have to look at the massive screen above the stage. It was pretty cool. I wasn't really a fan of Jeff Dunham, but I liked his new material a lot. :)
We got home on the 30th and Josh promptly got sick again. Death Flu Lite, I called it. He was sick for awhile, and he still hasn't quite gotten rid of it yet. He's still got a bad cough. It sounds like his feet are trying to come out through his mouth.
Noah started walking more on our trip. Now he can walk across the room, but he still prefers to crawl to get from point A to point B. I don't really blame him...he's fast. He loves walking though. He loves to just walk from me to the couch, turn around and come back, over and over and over.
He also started to love dogs as much as cats on this trip, since both sets of grandparents have dogs. One of his favorite things to do was to chase the dogs around. "Gog-gee!" His great-great uncle Eldon was visiting with his two little chihuahuas and Josh and Noah would chase them around so often that eventually whenever the dogs even saw Noah they'd start barking at him. He though it was hilarious.
We're adding more things to the list of things Noah can't touch now. For awhile we would only leave a few things out that we didn't want him to touch. Nothing that would hurt him, just a way to teach him that there are boundaries. Our latest thing is teaching him not to get out all our TV seasons of DVD's. He's very obedient most of the time, but he does like to test things. He'll find something he's not supposed to touch, and put his little finger about an inch away from it, turn around, look at me and say "eh?" It's like he's saying, "How 'bout now Mom, can I touch it now? Am I too close now? Huh, am I? How 'bout now?" After telling him "No, don't touch" he stops. It's everything I can do not to laugh when he does that. Sometimes I can't do it without laughing and have to look away for a minute. He's just so cute!
Well, he seems to be running out of ways to keep himself entertained, and it's time for Second Breakfast (he's on a Hobbit eating schedule) so I'd better be off.