Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I guess it's about time for an update since we've got our new little addition. William David was born the morning of December 22nd. 7lbs 14oz, and 20.5" long. Not nearly as compact as Noah's 8lbs 5oz and 18.5" long. Maybe William will be built more like Daddy. He's definitely got Daddy's hair. Well, for now anyways.

Thankfully the c-section was uneventful with the exception of me apparently being crooked even while sitting up perfectly straight while I was supposed to be getting my spinal. While the doc-doo's were stapling me back together Josh looked at me and said "you've officially had a normal pregnancy." Third time's the charm, right?
Thankfully William and I were both cleared to come home the afternoon of Christmas Eve, so we were able to all be together on Christmas morning.

Somehow I lucked out and got 2 easy babies in a row. William pretty much only cries when he's hungry, or when his diaper's dirty. I thought for sure I'd be getting Devil Child since Noah was such a good baby. William even slept over 7.5 hours a couple nights ago, but typically wakes up about every 4 hours at night. Not bad, eh? After a very thorough examination a few days after his birth, Dr. Miller says that "Prince William" is perfect and we need to find him a Kate.

Noah's doing really well with the whole not being an only child thing. He wants to hold Baby whenever he gets a chance and loves to "help" me change William's diapers and burp him, etc. Josh and I have both been making it a priority to spend time with Noah so that he doesn't feel replaced or something, so that might be helping a little, but he's pretty much the perfect big brother. Well, as perfect of a big brother as a 2-year-old can be. :) On Christmas morning he wanted to hold William before he even opened his presents. Now that's love. ;)

My mom came out from GA on the 18th so that she could help before William came, and then watch Noah while I was in the hospital, and then help with the baby after he came home and while I recovered from my surgery. Noah seemed to really like her, and warmed up to her right away. Thats saying something with how shy he typically is. He seemed to have fun and was really good for her while Josh and I were gone.

Josh's mom came out from GA the day after Christmas. Well, she was supposed to get here Christmas day, but had some uh..."flight drama" and got stuck in AZ for the night. Fun in the sun. Noah also warmed up to her pretty quickly, which I was also impressed with. He seems to be doing a lot better lately when it comes to new people. Anyways, she stayed and helped with the babies until the 31st. Our mom's were so much help while they were here that I was kinda freaking out that I'd be in over my head after they left, but so far so good.

Here's a few more pictures from the last few weeks.

Sleepy Momma...and baby. Such a flattering picture.

Noah time.

Noah introducing William to his favorite TV show, Blue's Clues.

My three men.

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