Thursday, August 12, 2010

Houses and Silverware

We've gone out several more times since my last post and looked at many many more houses. I think they're all starting to blend in together. I think Josh is burnt out, and I'm starting to get there too. I hate shopping in general, and this can be especially frustrating. Noah and I went out today with our Realtor, since at this point I know what Josh wants in a house, and for some reason he trusts me enough to find something for us to live in. We found something that we're considering making an offer on. I doubt it'll be accepted since we're really kinda low-balling, but it really comes down to the "how badly do they want to sell it?" question. So, we'll see.

Our Realtor is going out of town next week, so I think that'll give me a needed break before it's back to the daily grind of looking for a house.

Noah's so funny...when we get inside of a house, provided it's vacant, I let him go exploring around the house, as long as I can see him. He's so obsessive compulsive. He can't handle having doors open. I think it's because we keep the doors closed to the bathrooms and our bedroom in our apartment so that he's kind of contained in our living room/kitchen area, and his bedroom. This way it's not a huge deal if I'm not watching him every second 'cause there's really nothing he can get into. Because of this, I think he thinks that this is how it's supposed to be in all houses, and it's his nature to always do what needs to be done. He'll walk down the hallway shutting all the doors. If I go open one to look at a bedroom or something, he'll come up behind me to make sure it's closed again when I leave. He found a pantry door in one of the houses that wouldn't close right and he stayed there for several minutes trying to get it shut the whole way. He's definitely persistent. :)

He even unloads the dishwasher for me. Well, as much as he can. I take all the sharp knives out of it, and then he'll go back and forth from the dishwasher to the silverware drawers putting everything away while I'm doing something else in the kitchen. He's too short to see in the drawer, so he can't sort them out in the little organizer doo-hickey, so they end up in a big pile, but it still makes it easier for me. He even separates out the baking things like measuring spoons and measuring cups and puts them in the right drawer. Yesterday after he was all done with the silverware, he started handing me the dishes. So, we went with it- he got the dishes out, handed them to me, and I put them up in the cupboard. Makes it easier for me, and he loves to help. It's a win win. Win.

It's time for me to go do something else now. I'm not sure what, but I'm sure I'll find something. Maybe it's iced-coffee time....yes, that sounds good.


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